
Wax Removal

Ear wax blocking the ear canal can be annoying, frustrating and can cause temporary hearing loss. We provide a safe and effective ear care service and are now offering microsuction ear wax removal to all our patients. 

How much does it cost?

Ear Wax removal is £35 in store and £50 in patients own home.

What is ear wax?

Ear wax is a waxy material produced by glands inside the ear. It cleans, lubricates and protects the lining of the ear by trapping dirt and repelling water. Ear wax is slightly acidic and has anti-bacterial properties. Without ear wax, the skin inside your ear would become dry, cracked, infected or waterlogged and sore. Ear wax can be wet or dry, hard or soft. Soft ear wax is more common in children and hard ear wax is more likely to cause problems.

Ear wax problems

Ear wax doesn't usually cause problems, but if too much ear wax is produced it can lead to a blocked and painful ear. Repeated ear infections, flaky skin near your ear, or hair in your ear canals can also increase your risk of developing ear wax problems. To reduce your risk of developing problems, avoid putting objects into your ears, such as cotton buds, matchsticks and hairpins. As well as possibly damaging your ear canal or ear drum, sticking things in your ears can also cause ear wax to become lodged in your ear canal.

What you can do

Ear drops can be used to soften and loosen the ear wax, which may help it work its way out naturally. Avoid sticking cotton buds in your ears because it can push the ear wax further into your ears. If there is a large build-up of ear wax, it may need to be removed. If ear drops haven't worked, a number of alternative treatment methods are available including:

  • Ear Irrigation - this involves using a pressurised flow of water to remove the ear wax.
  • Microsuction - where a special suction device is used to remove the earwax under a microscope. The procedure is quick, safe and painless, and it doesn't involve putting liquid into your ear.

Ear wax removal methods

  • Ensure you have been putting oil in your ears prior to the appointment for an average of 2 weeks.
  • Read and sign Consent form to ensure you understand the risks.
  • During the appointment questions will be asked to determine whether anything will prevent wax removal to be performed.
  • Where the procedure is to be performed your ears will be checked first and then the procedure performed.
  • Your results will be discussed including the health of your ears.

through out the process the Audiologist will ensure the highest standard of Hygiene is maintained, Where referable conditions are identified you will discuss this with the Audiologist and with your consent where necessary a referral to your GP will be made.

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